Rod Brown
6,511 reviews240 followers
The first volume was dumb fun, but this time around it's just dumb. It's hard to sustain a one-joke book, especially if that joke is horny rooster fights demons. No more for me, thank you.
Jen (Finally changed her GR pic)
3,094 reviews27 followers
Ok, I'm rating this M for Mature, if only for the bird sex, that is mentioned WAY more than once AND is a plot point, not ONCE, but TWICE. It's also SHOWN on-page and that is NOT something you can un-see once you see it. I'm not a prude, but really? Is that something that the artist has a need to share with the rest of the world, really? Other than my old Grandma self that can't seem to understand the joke re: bird sex (I get it, he's a rooster, he thinks with his...sigh), I really did like the story and I really want to know where the demons care coming from. It kind of reminds me of the series by Gini Koch that starts with the book "Touched by an Alien" (SUPER awesome series, I highly recommend it!), so I want to see if it's a similar origin or not. Also, I didn't realize the little chick was a FEMALE chick. Thought it was a male chick for some reason. That made things...awkward. Though the panel of the rooster, hen and chick all in the hot spring was TOTES ADORBS!! I do want to continue on with this series, but I really REALLY hope they pull back on the bird sex. 3, I get the joke but don't find it funny can we move on please, stars. My thanks to VIZ Media LLC and NetGalley for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- from-publisher netgalley
625 reviews19 followers
Intentionally didn't finish this book on the 31st so the first book review of the year could be for something silly. We meet Elizabeth the hen with the electric prod and learn her backstory. The little chick earns her keep here and gets a name. They travel to a hot spring to recover and they tell Keiji about how demons are mutating now and there are variants. He doubles down on his vow to avenge his sister and the trio saves a whole village at the end. Funny, satirical, well illustrated - an easy way to kick off reading in the new year.
Fraser Simons
Author9 books284 followers
I asked myself how much weirder could it get. The answer is: A Lot. This second volume mostly features a spurned ex of the rooster and a chick he saved in the first book, making up a weird kind-of found family, even as the meta plot of him trying to find the specific demon he wants to find plods on. It features: a hen with a stun baton and a smart phone; more manga tropes transposed onto the fiction; the rooster giving out life lessons; bird sex. What a strange thing that, for the most part, if it didn’t have the gimmick of farm stock battling the demons (for some reasons humans never do this) would probably be a fairly generic samurai-revenge type manga.
- fantasy graphic-novel
Victor The Reader
1,604 reviews17 followers
As for fearless rooster continues his journey with a chick 🐥 by his side, he gets a shocking surprise that’s a beautiful hen who he broke up with who also has powerful fighting instincts. Temporarily travel together, they make their way to a village that’s under the control of a giant foe. A (100%/Outstanding)
- borrowed-from-library manga-reviews my-five-star-books
Max Freese
66 reviews
November 13, 2022there are some pages in this i wish i could unsee
Siona St Mark
2,535 reviews53 followers
Cute second volume. Really love the art style and comedy of this series
- comics-manga viz-media
1,376 reviews14 followers
We got some backstory for more characters. There was some character development for our hero. The art was still excellent. The story actually had development and progress. While not bad this just leaves me feeling meh.
- comics manga viz
1,169 reviews32 followers
Is this goofy and weird? Yes. Does it work for me anyway? Yes, again. I'm a sucker for a demon slayer story, and well, if the slayers happen to be chickens, then so be it. 4 horny chickens out of 5 icky demons
1,198 reviews26 followers
I'm honestly not sure why I continue to read this series. It's just ok. The story has just enough substance to keep me hanging on to see what happens. If this goes over five volumes though, I'm gonna get bored. What more can happen in each volume other than, a rooster fights a giant monster?
Stephanie Ridiculous
461 reviews10 followers
What a weird, wild ride. Could have done with less chicken sex (why is that a thing????) but the cheesy/corny/over the top heroism in a rooster is pretty entertaining.
- z-2023
2,215 reviews39 followers
Ich war wirklich überrascht, wie sehr mich der erste Band der Reihe begeistert hat. Daher hatte ich mich schon sehr auf den zweiten Teil gefreut. Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Story 4,6/5
Aus dem Einzelgänger wird nun durch bestimmte Umstände ein Teamplayer, auch wenn er sich darin eher schlecht schlägt. Das Küken haben wir bereits in Band 1 kennengelernt und es bleibt hartnäckig in seinen Versuchen dem Hahn zu folgen und von ihm zu lernen. Dann kommt noch ein weiter Charakter dazu, wo ich aber nichts zu verraten werde.
Es gibt wieder jede Menge Action und durch die nunmehr drei Charaktere auch eine tolle Varianz an Fähigkeiten. Es wurde also nie langweilig.
Im ersten Band wurde man bereits ein wenig darauf vorbereitet, dass diese Reihe auch einen recht hohen Anteil an erotischen Anspielungen haben wird. Das nahm hier noch deutlich zu und auch wenn wir es hier mit Hühnern zu tun haben, finde ich die ab 16 Empfehlung fast ein bisschen zu niedrig gewählt. Es ist schwer zu beschreiben, aber die Art und Weise wie das ganze umgesetzt wird, ist schon recht grenzwertig. Der Hahn ist ein echter Macho und wenn es zu den besagten Szenen/Gedanken/Gesprächen kommt, ist oft das Küken dabei. Auch wenn es Tiere sind, finde ich es einfach doch irgendwie so ein bisschen Grenzwertig.
Ansonsten habe ich nichts zu meckern. Ich bin mega gespannt wie es weitergeht.
Ich liebe den Zeichenstil. Das Küken ist mega süß und unglaublich witzig gezeichnet. Die Actionszenen sind teilweise etwas chaotisch und ich musste zweimal hinsehen, um wirklich zu verstehen, was da gerade passiert. Der Zeichenstil geht eher in den realistischen Stil. Ich finde es beeindruckend wieviele Emotionen der Mangaka in die Gesichter der Tiere zeichnen kann.
Alles in allem ist es eine richtig tolle Reihe und ich freue mich schon sehr auf den nächsten Teil, der im September herauskommen soll.
Als Extra gab es wieder viel schöne Postkarten. Für die tolle Aufmachung, das Großformat und die schönen Postkarten gebe ich gern die 10 Euro aus.
Emotionen 4,0/5
Charaktere 5,0/5
Spannung/Unterhaltung 4,6/5
Zeichenstil 5+/5
Lesegefühl 4,6/5
Gesamt 5,0/5
Rick Brose
1,026 reviews24 followers
(3.5 stars rounded up) Volume 2 of Rooster Fighter has all the same elements that made the first volume so fun. It also begins to flesh out a bigger cast and story. There are moments where I could not help thinking that things were getting a bit to over the top and ridiculous, especially with the new allies that appear. But ultimately, the pace is so fast that it does not become a huge deal. There are some issues around consent here. I do not know how much slack to give when dealing with wild animals, but given the intelligence of the characters, it does feel like a problem. I wish that was handled better, but the demons and the fights continue to be a good time.
Sandy Nguyen
13 reviews
I enjoyed this volume even more than the first. There was a true storyline along with a lot of character development from Keiji. The monsters in this volume were more powerful and scarier, to the point where I got chills when I saw what they were capable of. Shu Sakuratani made these variant monsters more "humane" which allows the reader to be more invested in them rather than simply wanting Keiji to defeat them. Keiji does express realistic rooster tendencies when it comes to his male hormones, which is weird and can be disturbing but in a way it's really realistic to roosters in the real world. You really have to keep an open mind with this manga.
863 reviews20 followers
I'm not sure which chapters these are, but I'm sure I read some of these... Anyway. On the same line as the last one.
- 3-to-4-stars-everything manga
99 reviews
Muy pero muy bueno, me encanta.
- books-i-have
198 reviews1 follower
Its so absurd its hilarious
310 reviews6 followers
"I guess I'm the kind of man who gets scolded by chickens." 11/10. Living for this drama.
Ali Ebrahimi
152 reviews
دلیل ادامه دادن حضور جوجست🤣
وگرنه خیلی خفن نیست
202 reviews32 followers
3.8 ish Not quite as fun as the 1st volume but still good and stupidly funny. My guy has no chill lol
Nick Topakas
71 reviews
lol wtf
13 reviews1 follower
Idk what to say except it was entertaining and let’s just say.. special 🥴. The story and world was intriguing enough that I might read more of the series. 2🌟
Jessica Young
101 reviews12 followers
I love the addition of the little chick as the rooster’s sidekick!! Yaaaaas!!
2,125 reviews18 followers
Après avoir dévoré le premier tome et surtout après avoir autant apprécié ma lecture, je ne pouvais vraiment pas laisser le second tome traîner dans ma PAL. Je me suis donc aussitôt jetée dessus. J’étais déjà impatiente de me replonger dans cet univers que j’aime tant. Je sens que je vais vraiment adoré cette série complètement déjanté et complètement loufoque. L’humour prime dans cette histoire et on passe un si bon moments accompagné de poules et de coqs! Un vrai bonheur ce manga. Ce second tome est dans la lignée du premier, c’était génial. Dans ce second tome, on retrouve Keiji qui continue sa quête de vengeance. La menace des kijû se renforce. Jusqu’ici, ils étaient dépourvus d’émotions et dotés d’un faible intellect. Sauf que désormais, ils semblent muter et devenir plus intelligents, plus « humains ». Mais surtout plus redoutables encore! Heureusement pour les combattre, Keiji peut compter sur de nouveaux alliés, plus ou moins coopératifs. Malgré tout, il pourrait bien y laisser quelques plumes! J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé ce tome. J’avais un peu peur qu’à la longue ça devienne assez répétitif et qu’on finisse par se lasser.. Finalement ce n’est absolument pas le cas. On rencontre, un petit poussin qui va porter le nom de Piyoko. Bon en vérité on la découvre à la fin du premier tome. Mais elle décide désormais de suivre son « chéri » Keiji. Au début, il est bien évidemment contre mais au fur et à mesure, il se laisse dompter et elle le rejoint. J’adore ce personnage, Piyoko est pleine d’énergie et surtout elle sur réagit à chaque fois. Elle est toujours dans l’exagération, ça me fait tellement rire! On découvre également un autre personnage, celui de la poule Elisabeth, on comprend très vite qui elle est en vérité. Elle finit par rejoindre le groupe elle aussi. On les voit donc parcourir les villes, aider les gens à se débarrasser des kijû etc. Ces trois là forment un trio qui détonne. Entre Elisabeth qui en veut un max à Keiji et qui veut le tuer, Keiji qui s’en fiche de tout et qui veut simplement venger sa soeur et Piyoko qui crève de jalousie, c’est à mourir de rire. Ce second tome est clairement dans la lignée du premier. On continue d’avancer dans l’histoire. On fait la rencontre de nouveaux personnages. On a toujours cet humour complètement loufoque et déjanté dont je suis hyper fan. C’est un peu un humour lourdingue, le genre d’humour soit on aime soit on déteste. Personnellement, je suis hyper bon client pour ce genre d’humour. C’est donc une réussite pour moi. J’aime vraiment beaucoup ce manga, je le trouve complètement dingue. L’histoire est si bien mené, c’est à mourir de rire. On a aussi des scènes de combats qui sont vraiment hyper bien faites! Vite le troisième tome maintenant!
1,930 reviews31 followers
How to make a pecking order Just as before with volume one there are scenes of gooey explosions and of rooster on hen action (though like many manga that try to push the boundary no close up sexual shots for those curious how an egg can be fertilized. Enamored with our combed hero a lone baby chick takes to the streets to find the rooster who saved her pops after he turned into a demon. Soon we meet the dangerous but talented chicken Elizabeth who was raised in luxury and has access to an assortment of gadgets including a shock baton and smartphone that allows her to communicate with humans. Together these three begin their travels together for more crazy fights scenes, monstrous humanoids (technically all of the demons have been human I think), and interesting interactions as this unlikely trio each travel for their own reasons (even if Keiji the rooster is all about revenge and rutting.) In this volume we get to see a slug demon with a passion for riddles and a zipper demon born of a man's obsession for riches as well as some insight into the phenomenon of how the demons are not only appearing but evolving as well. Fight on sir rooster and may you find final opponent some day.
- e-manga rooster-fighter
Kieran Smith
65 reviews12 followers
Brilliant. The first book had a lot of fun with shonen manga tropes. That was great for a first book, especially with all the creative ways our hero uses his rooster attributes while fighting and how they affect his personality. A lot of (it might be safe to say most) Shonen manga have this format where an unbeatable protagonist fights a succession of stronger protagonists. This leads to a high degree of repetition and predictability. What usually carries the best of them is the world building and the plot elements that add stakes to the fights. I was a little cynical if Rooster Fighter was going to develop a plot and genuine stakes during the first book or just continue as a series of fights and gags featuring stronger opponents. However, the second volume completely dispelled these worries. This whole volume is much more plot driven and the stakes for the heroes' quest are raised. The lampooning of manga tropes continues but it's done in a way that simultaneously feels heartfelt and genuine and not just there for a cheap gag. Looking forward to the third volume.
Mike Jorgensen
923 reviews20 followers
In broad strokes still really fun and still really funny. A little less heart than the first one which is surprising since Chicken Little is more prominent in this one. My major problem with this book is all of the bird sex. It was kind of shocking and maybe a little funny for one panel. But it gets used way too much. I get that our main character is kind of an antihero, but some of his behavior in this book is sexual harassment bordering on sexual assault which makes it hard to hang with. Perhaps worse is that it is played for laughs. The book does punish the main character for this behavior and ends with him getting kicked in the junk. I'm not sure that is sufficient payoff for what the reader has to go through. I am hoping they just take it a different direction in the future.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
3,798 reviews8 followers
Keiji, the rooster, continues his quest to find the demon who took away his sister. But now he has companion. First there is then little bird with Duty written on her back. Then Elizabeth, a hen Keiji loved and left who shows up with an electric prod and a smartphone! And there are plenty of demons to face - a very strange slug demon that almost took out Keiji, and then the zipper demon that had enthralled a village in a search for buried treasure. But people are noticing the demon fighting group. What danger will this pose in the future? Read and find out! Thanks Netgalley for the opportunity to read this title!
- comics horror japan
278 reviews
I'm still not sure how Rooster Fighter got greenlit, but I'm so glad it did. The absurd adventures continue in volume 2, where we learn a bit more about our new characters.The absolutely disgusting (I mean that as a compliment) yet detailed character designs also continue in this volume, and we finally get a sign of what may be the overarching plot of the story that makes it more personal other than rooster vs monsters. Again, this is an amazing read, and I'm glad the publisher and NetGalley gave me the opportunity to get into this when I would not have otherwise.
427 reviews6 followers
Rooster Fighter é uma leitura despretensiosa, feito para ser diversão pura e simplesmente. Sem mais. Não espere seriedade de um mangá feito pra ser uma grande piada - afinal o protagonista é um galo bombado, como levar isso a sério? Basta ter um pouco de senso de humor para aproveitar a veia cômica dessa história.
Nesse volume somos apresentados a Elizabeth, uma galinha inteligente que promete ser de grande ajuda na saga de Keiji. Aliás os dois tiveram um passado...curioso. Ah, e a pequena jingi ganha um nome também. E seguimos com a história.
- mangá