Neopets Stock Market-Related Help:
A Stock Market is a place where you can invest in companies and hopefullymake a profit by trading shares with other people.
What are Stocks?
A company can choose to offer a percentage of itself to the general public.This means everyone can invest in this company if they want to. When you want to buy a portion of a companyyou need to buy a share. A share is the name given to that portion of the company. This doesn'tmean you own the company, it just means you have invested in it.
How do I find the Stock Market?
The Stock Market is in the games room. It isrepresented by Nigel the Chia. (He is wearing a suit and holding a cellphone). Click on Nigel and you will be in the stock market.
Is there a limit to the number of shares that I can buy?
Yes, there is a daily limit to the number of shares that you can buy.You are only permitted to buy or sell up to 1000 shares a day.
How can I find a specific stock?
You can find a specific stock by clicking the Find Stocks link at thetop of any of the pages in the Stock Market. On this page you can eithertype in the company name, or you can click on the link to see a full list of thecompanies.
What is a Ticker Symbol?
A ticker symbol is a quick way to look up a company. Each company chooses acombination of 2-4 letters that abbreviates their name. This is unique foreach company. For example Lupe Consolidated has the ticker symbol LUPE. PowlexCorporation has the ticker symbol POWL.
How do I choose which stock to buy?
This is completely up to you. Buy stocks of products that you believe in, or think are a good business idea. It is usually good practiceto also buy stocks that are quite low in price, this way they usually will go up and not down. Alternativelysome people prefer to invest in stable stocks that have always been high.
Another way that you may go about choosing a stock is by clicking theBargains link at the top of the page or by doing research by reading aboutthe stocks on the News/Research page. These two pages can direct you to good stocks.
Why isn't my stock changing?
Stock prices only change when share are bought or sold. If no one isbuying or selling the stock you have bought the price is unlikely to change unless there is a market crash.
Is there a way to find out how competitors of my stock are doing?
If you want to learn more about your company and/or its competitors thenyou will want to click on the Profile link at the top of and of the StockMarket page. In order to look up a company on this page you will need to know it'sticker symbol. This is the 2 to 4 letter symbol that abbreviates the name of your company. Typeit in and click the go button and this will take you to a page that will list current competitorsto your company, and it will give you a link to find out more about your company.
How do I view my Stocks?
To view your stocks click on the My Portfolio link at the top of any ofthe Stock Market pages.
How do I buy Stocks?
To buy new stocks click on the Buy link at the top of any of the StockMarket pages.
How do I sell Stocks?
To sell stocks that you own, click on the Sell link at the top of any ofthe Stock Market pages.
When should I buy my stocks?
It is generally better to buy stocks when their prices are quite low.
When should I sell my Stocks?
It is generally better to sell stocks when their prices are high, or theyhave increase since you bought them.
Do I earn Neopoints by playing this game?
Yes, if you sell your stock at a higher price then when you bought itthen you will earn neopoints, but remember if you sell your stock at a lower price then you will loseneopoints!
What is volume?
This is the number of shares that have been bought and sold in a single day. The higher this number, the more activity that is going on with that stock!
What is Curr?
This is the current price (in NeoPoints) of a particular stock.
What does Open mean?
This is the opening price of a stock - the price that it had at the start of the day.
What does the Qty mean?
This is the number of shares that you have of a particluar stock.
What is a Bull Market?
The bull market is when the market is up.
What is a Bear Market?
A bear market is when the market is down.
What is the Neodaq Index?
The Neodaq index is a number that represents how well the market as a whole is doing. The higher this number, the more the economy in Neopiabooms. If it goes low, then the economy isn't doing very well.
What is a Commission?
A commission is a fee that some charges you for using their service.Whenever you want to trade shares remember that Nigel the Chia will charge 20 NP commission on each trade youmake!