Jan 3 - Aisha Day Homepage | Your jnAccount: Log In or Register | New to Jellyneo? Click here! The Shop Wizard allows you to search the Neopian marketplace for a particular item you may be interested in buying. He searches other Neopians' shops and returns a list of the prices they are selling that item for, which is useful if you'd like to buy it or sell it yourself in your shop. Finding the Shop WizardA link to the Shop Wizard can be found in the dropdown menu under the "Shops" heading on any Neopets page. Clickable links are also located both on Neopia Central's Marketplace map (the central building shaped like his wizard's hat) and Mystery Island's Island Marketplace map (the blue central hut). Buyable vs. UnbuyableThe Shop Wizard has his limits. Neopians are not allowed to sell items in their shops priced over 999,999 NP. Any item that sells from 1 NP through 999,999 NP is considered buyable. An item that is worth over 999,999 NP is considered to be unbuyable. In order to purchase unbuyables, you'll need to visit either the Trading Post or Auction House. Up until March 27, 2018, the shop price limit was 99,999 NP, meaning an "unbuyable" item was anything that sold for 100,000 NP or over. Since the limit was raised to 999,999 NP, the definition of "unbuyable" changed to be items selling for 1,000,000 NP or over. How to UseUpon visiting the Shop Wizard, you simply need to type in an item name (or part of its name) to find it. To refine further, you can select either "Containing my phrase" or "Identical to", which means that it'll either search for items containing what you typed in, or exactly what you typed in. Only use the identical option when you're typing in the exact item name. If you type in a partial name and use the containing option, you may get another item that you're not looking for; resubmitting will alternate between different partial matches.
Make sure that you select "In Shops" unless you'd like to browse galleries! You may also refine by price range as well, to have the Shop Wizard only display items for sale above the minimum you specify and/or below the maximum you specify. The maximum search comes into use when you saw a cheap item for sale and would like to continue searching, but only displaying shops cheaper than what you previously saw. After you have started a search, you can resubmit the search using the button below the search results. Refreshing the page will completely clear the search and you will need to start over. Marketplace SectionsSince the Shop Wizard has limited powers, he can only search through one marketplace section at a time. The sections are divided up by the first letter of a Neopian shop owner's username. So, for example, if your username was "dr_sloth", you would be in the "D" section. Here are each of the marketplace sections, by first letter of username:
Each time you resubmit the results, you will potentially see a different marketplace section display results. In order to see the full results, you will need to resubmit at least 13 times to even have a chance of seeing all of the different sections. LimitationsThe Shop Wizard can only accept item names up to 60 characters. Unfortunately, there are a small number of items whose names are longer than 60 characters! To search for these on the Shop Wizard, you will need to enter a part of them and switch to "Containing my Phrase" instead. (There is no such limit on the Super Shop Wizard.) You are also not able to search items of rarity 250 or higher on either the Shop Wizard or Super Super Wizard. Search BansIf you make more than 360 searches in a given hour, you will be "banned" from using the Shop Wizard for that hour. This has no negative effect whatsoever on your account, but rather is just a limit in place to make sure the marketplace isn't brought to its knees by excessive searching. Bans are lifted at the top of the next hour. So, for example, if you were banned at 2:23pm, you would be unbanned at 3:00pm. If you are Shop Wiz banned, you should not use a side account to continue searching. Although TNT has been quite vague on this point in the past, we're erring on the side of caution to say it's a bad idea. Searching During Faerie QuestsIf you receive a random faerie quest, your access to the Shop Wizard will be shut off until you either complete the quest, or abandon it. You may use a side account to search for the item in question, but purchasing it should be done on your main account. Alternatively, ask a Neofriend or the kind folks on the Neoboards to do a search for you.
The Super Shop WizardThe Super Shop Wiz (or "SSW" for short) is a Neopets Premium perk that returns results from all 13 marketplace sections at once. You can easily find the cheapest item in the marketplace with one single search.
You may become banned from using the Super Shop Wizard as well. The SSW ban is lifted on the next hour just as the regular ban is, but the maximum number of searches per hour is significantly less than 360 (and varies). Just like with the regular Shop Wizard, you may also not search for items while you are on a faerie quest. Unsearchable ItemsThere are some items that the Super Shop Wizard will not allow you to search for. The following items are not allowed to be searched for:
You may, however, search for these using the "Price Only" search option that the Super Shop Wizard provides. Instead of showing you other Neopians selling the items, it will calculate an average price based on those for sale. Some of the above items released since June 2012 do not have the Super Shop Wizard restriction to Price Only searches. You may search the following items like any other item and see shop owner results. Searchable Items
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This article was written by: Daniel This page was last updated on June 30, 2024. About Us | Contact Us | Report Error | Site Prefs | Privacy Policy | My jnAccount |
What is the difference between shop wizard and super shop wizard? ›
The Super Shop Wizard is an upgraded, deluxe version of the Shop Wizard available only for premium members. He uses a lot more magic, and therefore he wears out more quickly, but he can do a few more than the regular wizard. The most notable thing he does is that he displays the results of EVERY shop in one search.
What is the max price in Neopets shop? ›The Shop Wizard has his limits. Neopians are not allowed to sell items in their shops priced over 999,999 NP. Any item that sells from 1 NP through 999,999 NP is considered buyable. An item that is worth over 999,999 NP is considered to be unbuyable.
How often can you use the super shop wizard? ›The downside to the Super Shop Wizard is that the searches are limited, the actual number of searches you can do is random; it can be 5 but also 30 searches. After you have done the max number of searches, you will be banned from using the Super Shop Wizard until the new hour starts (for instance: 9.00pm, 10.00pm).
How to upgrade neopet shop? ›To sell more items, you can upgrade your shop at the Create/Edit Your Shop page. Each upgrade will allow you to sell 5 more items, but the price for each upgrade will increase by 200 NP each time. Here's a nifty calculator to figure out how much a shop upgrade costs.
What is the difference between emporium and department store? ›An emporium is a large store that sells a variety of merchandise. You can call a department store, with its many different departments, an emporium. Any retail store that separates its goods into different areas — like "men's hats" and "kids' shoes" and "household goods" — can be called an emporium.
What is the difference between super stores and supermarket? ›They may sell non-food items such as health and beauty care, household cleaning, pet food, but the focus is on food. A superstore will potentially have a grocery section of varying size, but it will also have many other non-food areas, and the focus is often on clothing, home decor, and many other areas.
What level is too high to count Neopets? ›Level | Description |
61-90 | High |
91-120 | Very High |
121-180 | Amazingly High |
181 or more | Too High to Count |
Neopets has never been about kids, at least not today's kids. The site requires that users be aged 13 or over, and the average user of the site is between 18 and 34.
How many people still use Neopets? ›Neopets has 150 million registered users from the totality of its 25-year history, but currently only has about one million annual active users. Still, Law says those active users are really active. Many have been playing for over 10 or even 15 years and stuck around through the worst days of the company.
How to search for items in Neopets? ›The Shop Wizard is an extremely busy JubJub who is always on the lookout for the best prices on items in user shops. Simply type in all or part of the name of the item you're seeking and then click "Search." The Shop Wizard will return with a list of shops currently offering the item for sale.
What is the maximum trading post in Neopets? ›
This works best for items that cost more than the maximum price allowed in user shops (999,999 NP) but less than the maximum Trading Post limit (2,000,000 NP). If you want more than this for your item, you'll either have to use the Auction House, or accept a mixture of Neopoints and items and then sell the items.
How big can your gallery be in Neopets? ›If you want to create a shop or a gallery you must pay a fee of 150 neopoints. After you have done this, your shop or gallery will be able to hold 5 items.
What item changes gender in Neopets? ›The Lab Ray can change your pet's gender, and it can change it back. There is approximately an 8% chance of changing gender, so just keep zapping your pet until it changes! However, this might be a risky idea if you don't want your pet to also potentially change colour, species, or stats as well.
What is the difference between convenience store and super store? ›Supermarkets are larger stores with a broader selection, including fresh produce and meats. Convenience stores are smaller and focus on convenience items like snacks and drinks.