Jan 3 - Aisha Day Homepage | Your jnAccount: Log In or Register | New to Jellyneo? Click here! Have you ever considered investing in the Stock Market, but didn't know where to start? If so then don't worry, this guide was written for the thousands of Neopians who, just like you, have heard that the Stock Market is a means to make your fortune but are not quite sure how the whole thing works. What Are Stocks?In real life, a stock (also known as a share) is a little piece of the company; if you purchase stocks, then you own a tiny percentage of the company you have invested your money in. Say, for example, you decided to purchase a stock in a new company for $1. Over time, that company might increase in value as they earn more money, until that stock which you originally only paid $1 for is now worth $5. If you owned several thousand of these stocks, you would be looking at a very large profit. It can work both ways though. The company you invested in might lose a lot of money and the value of the shares you bought could fall to 50 cents each, or even worse, the company could go bankrupt and then your shares would be worth absolutely nothing! In the real world, investing in stocks can be a big gamble: sometimes it will pay off while other times it won't. The Neopian Stock MarketAlthough they share some resemblance, the Neopian Stock Market has many differences from the real world stock market. In the Neopian stock market, you can buy and sell shares in 43 different companies. (There are another 13 that have gone bankrupt over the years, so you cannot trade with those.) Stock prices update every 30 minutes (plus a few seconds). There are no times when the market is "closed"; the stocks will update throughout the day, every day. Not every stock will change price at these updates; in fact, most of them will stay the same. The daily statistics of volume (the number of shares purchased) and opening price are reset at the 4pm NST update. A stock's value can never go below 6 NP, though they have no known maximum value. Other than the current prices, the different companies are functionally indistinguishable. Years ago, the Stock Market was actually influenced by how well certain Neopian businesses did; for example, Hubert's Hot Dog stocks went up and down in value depending on how many items the shop of the same name sold. However, this led to pockets of users grouping together and buying out entire shops to inflate the value of their stocks, so The Neopets Team put a stop to that. These days, stock price updates are random, though do follow some patterns discussed later in this article. Buying Your StocksThe best place to buy stocks is from the Bargain Stocks page. This is a list of the cheapest stocks in Neopia at the moment. I would bookmark this link, or use your Jellyneo Dailies Service to remind yourself to visit each day. You are only allowed to buy shares that are currently trading for 15NP or more each. When choosing a stock to purchase, the rule of thumb is "buy low, sell high," so it is best to only pick stocks trading for 15NP as that is the cheapest you can possibly purchase. However, if you choose the Cheaper by the Dozen boon from the battleground, you may purchase stocks that cost as low as 10NP! Scroll down the list of stocks on the bargain list (the one you come to when you clicked the link above) and find the first company whose shares are trading for 15NP.
Here is a quick break down of what all the numbers mean:
Let us pretend that the above screenshot is what you see when you go to buy stocks for the very first time. You can see that Stuff-A-Pet Inc. and The Neopian Auction House are both trading at 15NP per share, so you could choose either one of them. To buy stocks, click on the ticker for the company you wish to purchase and you will be taken to an utterly pointless screen which lists the other companies in that category. Just click on the name of the company again and you will be taken to a screen which looks like this:
Click on the little button and presto! Congratulations, you just bought your first set of stocks! The maximum you can purchase each day is 1,000 stocks. It is up to you whether you want to buy them all from one company or whether you want to buy a few hundred from lots of different ones. As you buy more stocks each day, you will want to diversify your portfolio, which is just a fancy way of saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket." Stock changes are random, and it can take a long time for a company's stock to reach a point where it's worth selling. To improve your chances, you'll want to invest in as many different companies as you can. If you're choosing between multiple companies with 15NP stocks, buy the company you have the least stocks of, or buy an even amount of all of them! The Waiting GameOnce you have bought your stocks, there isn't really anything else for you to do but to wait for them to increase until you are happy with the profit margin. It is a good idea to check your portfolio at least once a day (or more often if a particular stock is doing particularly well and you are considering selling). Here is an overview of the portfolio screen and what it all means.
You will want to pay particular attention to the current price, as ultimately this will determine whether or not you want to sell your stocks. How long you wait is entirely up to you, though most players choose to sell at 60. It's a good idea to set yourself a cut-off point and stick to it. If you would rather have the Neopoints as quickly as possible then you might decide to sell off stocks once they reach 30, or even lower if you are really impatient. The only "wrong" time to sell is when your stocks are in the red, so you would be making a loss. It may seem like the best option to cut your losses and sell up before you lose even more money but hang in there, in time they will slowly start to rise again. Years ago, companies would on occasion go bankrupt, and all money invested would be lost forever. However, it's generally believed that these were actually manual interventions by TNT, and has not happened since November of 2004, which is to say it's no longer worth being concerned about. Unlike the real world, you are guaranteed to make a profit on all of your stocks eventually; it's just a matter of waiting. Selling StocksWhen your stocks reach that "magic number" and you want to sell them, it's time to pay Nigel the Chia a visit. On the portfolio page, click the little triangle to the left of the icon on the stocks you want to sell. You will then get a little drop down menu asking you how much of the quantity you want to cash in.
Each batch of stocks you bought will be grouped separately, along with the individual prices of each set when you bought them and the respective increase/decrease in value. You can choose to sell all of them at once, or you can hold back some number just in case the value rockets up further. Yet again, it is entirely up to you how many or how few you choose to sell and when you choose to sell them. When you sell your stocks, you have to pay Nigel a handling fee of 20NP, however, and you can sell as many batches of stock as you like from as many different companies as you like at the same time and he will only charge you the single fee of 20NP.
The Stock Market BoonCertain factions give the opportunity of activating the Cheaper by the Dozen boon if you side with them and they emerge victorious from the Battleground of the Obelisk. This boon allows you to purchase stocks that are selling for 10NP per share as opposed to the usual 15NP restriction, meaning that you make even more profit when selling them later. Quick Tips
Sell! SELL!! / Guide View your stock portfolio when your "Holdings Paid" column (i.e. how much you paid for your stocks) totals over 1,000,000 Neopoints. Does not work if you simply buy 1,000 shares of a single stock worth 1k+ per share, like VPTS. Released: October 28, 2009 Nigel the ChiaWhen you visit the Stock Market, you will be greeted by Nigel the Chia again, who will try to wow you with his flashy gadgets and his boast of owning the only car in Neopia. Don't let him fool you though: he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about when it comes to stocks! The random event where he suggests investing in a particular company is truly random; he has no insider knowledge. Detailed Stock BehaviorStocks in the Neopets Stock Market are what statisticians call Markov chains. All this means is that (1) they change values randomly but following a probability distribution and (2) that probability distribution (i.e. a stock's possible next values) depends only on the stock's current value. All stocks at a given price will behave the same. The table in the next section shows why 60 is a popular and wise selling point—it's statistically unlikely to go much higher. However, if against great odds it makes it above 100, it may be worth holding onto—the price is more likely to float around the 3-digit numbers than to come back down! Summary TableThe data used for this table and subsequent sections was collected by Jellyneo starting in May 2018 and was last analyzed in May 2021. If a stock has been trading in a range we are missing, please give us a heads up so we can look at the data! More detailed distributions by range can be found in the next section. Special credit goes to u/not-the-artist on Reddit, whose post with their own data inspired this type of analysis. Stock Behavior
Detailed Behavior by ValueEach section here contains a summary of the actual scraped data by Jellyneo. Some noisy/uneven graphs are likely due to relatively small sample size; it is likely that the "real" distributions programmed by Neopets are actually smoother/more even, and some average changes are actually zero. When a range of values is grouped together (e.g. "10 to 20 NP"), then all stocks at all values in that range were found to follow the same distribution. 6 NP
7 NP
8 NP
9 NP
10 to 20 NP
21 to 40 NP
41 to 60 NP
61 to 100 NP
101 to 150 NP
151 to 200 NP
201 to 250 NP
251 to 300 NP
301 to 350 NP
351 to 400 NP
401 to 450 NP
451 to 500 NP
501 to 600 NP
601 to 800 NP
801 to 1,000 NP
1,001 to 1,200 NP
1,201 to 1,600 NP
1,601+ NP
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This game guide was written by: Kenny and Weepit This page was last updated on February 19, 2024. About Us | Contact Us | Report Error | Site Prefs | Privacy Policy | My jnAccount |
When should I sell in Neopian stock market? ›
How long you wait is entirely up to you, though most players choose to sell at 60. It's a good idea to set yourself a cut-off point and stick to it. If you would rather have the Neopoints as quickly as possible then you might decide to sell off stocks once they reach 30, or even lower if you are really impatient.
How does the Neopian stock market work? ›What happens is, you invest in, or buy, some shares of a company at a low point, and then sell off those shares when the company's profit margin gets higher. Now, when first starting off, you will need some NP. All it really takes is 15-16k, but if you're real serious about playing, about 250k-300k is good.
Is Neopets stock market worth it? ›Stocks can be a much better option for your neopoints than sitting in the National Neopian Bank. You have the potential to make much more than you would in interest on what you invest. However, remember that there is some risk in the stock market!
How to make money in neopets stock market? ›The goal of the Stock Market is to buy low, then sell high. So we'll want to purchase shares at the lowest amount possible, which is 15 NP per share. We also want to make the max investment per day possible (1,000 shares) to have the biggest payout. So, 1,000 shares at 15 NP per share equals 15,000 NP.
What time of day is best to sell stock? ›So just to quickly summarise:
If you're looking for the best time to either buy or sell a stock during the trading day it is; During the last 10-15 minutes before market close. Or about an hour after the market opens.
Winning stocks increase in price for a reason, and they also tend to keep winning. Don't sell a stock just because its price decreased. Every investor wants to buy low and sell high. Selling a stock just because its price fell, if the reasons you bought it still apply, is literally doing the exact opposite.
What is the 1 rule in stock market? ›Enter the 1% rule, a risk management strategy that acts as a safety net, safeguarding your capital and fostering a disciplined approach to navigate the market's turbulent waters. In essence, the 1% rule dictates that you never risk more than 1% of your trading capital on a single trade.
What is the 50 rule in the stock market? ›The fifty percent principle predicts that an observed trend will undergo a price correction of one-half to two-thirds of the change in price. This means that if a stock has been on an upward trend and gained 20%, it will fall back 10% before continuing its rise.
What is the rule number 1 in the stock market? ›According to Mr. Buffett, there are only two rules to investing: Rule #1: Don't lose money, and Rule #2: Don't forget rule #1.
When did Neopets shut down? ›Neopets is officially under new management, following the closure of parent company Jumpstart in June 2023. While it briefly appeared that the beloved online pet simulator would be shut down, a new blog has confirmed The Neopets Team (TNT) will now take full ownership of the website, to keep it running in future.
Who owns Neopets now? ›
On 17 July 2023, it was announced that Neopets had been purchased from NetDragon through a management buyout deal led by Neopets Chief Metaverse Officer Dominic Law, the former Director of New Markets at both NetDragon and Cherrypicks.
How do I make money in Neopets? ›Also, another way to earn Neopoints is by spinning the wheels. There are two wheels, the Wheel of Excitement, (located in Faerieland, and costing 100 NPs), and the Wheel of Mediocrity, (located in Tyrannia, and costing 50 NPs). You can win up to 10,000 NPs, plus furniture, PetPets, and much more by spinning the wheels.
What is the stock market limit in Neopets? ›You are only permitted to buy or sell up to 1000 shares a day.
What is the max shop price in Neopets? ›The Shop Wizard has his limits. Neopians are not allowed to sell items in their shops priced over 999,999 NP. Any item that sells from 1 NP through 999,999 NP is considered buyable. An item that is worth over 999,999 NP is considered to be unbuyable.
What is the maximum trading post in Neopets? ›This works best for items that cost more than the maximum price allowed in user shops (999,999 NP) but less than the maximum Trading Post limit (2,000,000 NP). If you want more than this for your item, you'll either have to use the Auction House, or accept a mixture of Neopoints and items and then sell the items.
How do you know when to sell in the stock market? ›- You've found something better. ...
- You made a mistake. ...
- The company's business outlook has changed. ...
- Tax reasons. ...
- Rebalancing your portfolio. ...
- Valuation no longer reflects business reality. ...
- You need the money. ...
- The stock has gone up.
If a stock you hold has achieved your objectives – that is, reached a target price that you have set – it could be time to sell and reinvest the proceeds somewhere else. This may take some resilience if it looks like the stock is still going up.
At what return should you sell stock? ›When a stock is going the right direction, your decision making is not as easy. How long should you hold? Here's a specific rule to help boost your prospects for long-term stock investing success: Once your stock has broken out, take most of your profits when they reach 20% to 25%.
What date is best to sell a stock? ›If Monday may be the best day of the week to buy stocks, then Thursday or early Friday may be the best day to sell stock—before prices dip.